Kay Adams age, height, instagram, husband, salary


Kay Adams does not have a husband

Here are some short facts and bio about the popular sports reporter Kay Adams.

Who is Kay Adams husband and is she dating?

Her former boyfriend was Danny Amendola. Kay is secret about love life, as far as we know she is single

What age is Kay Adams?

She is born 1996 and is currently as for 2021, 35 years old

What height is Kay Adams?

Height in feet 5’5″, in cm 167

What is Kay Adams weight

117 pounds or 53 kg

What is Kay Adams Zodiac sign


What is Kay Adams place of birth?

Chicago, Illinois, USA

Where does Kay Adams live today?

New York, USA

Kay Adams bio

What is Kay Adams nationality?


What is Kay Adams body measurements?

Inches: 34-25-35 & centimetres: 86-63-88 cm

What is Kay Adams net worth and salary?

$1 million

Kay Adams Instagram?


Videos of Kay Adams

Kay Adams Good Morning Football

Kay Adams with fans photo

Other Kay Adams articles

Kay Adams
Kay Adams in bikini

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