Dana Jacobson


Dana Jacobson sexy hot showing cleavage

Dana Jacobson was born November 5, 1971 and is a host for CBS This Morning Saturday. Dana Jacobson is also an anchor & reporter for CBS Sports and CBS SportsNetwork. Dana started working for CBS SportsNetwork in 2017. Prior to that Jacobson spent a decade at ESPN.

Dana was born and raised in the suburbs of Detroit, in a Jewish family and attended Andover High School in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. Dana graduated from Valley High School in West Des Moines, Iowa and later graduated from the University of Michigan with a Bachelor of Arts in English and communications and was a member of the Pi Beta Phi sorority.

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Dana Jacobson tits and legs

Mashup photo from Instagram and Youtube

Dana Jacobson is a popular host and has a lot of fans. Some are impressed by Dana’s looks and sometimes comments on her sexy look and for showing cleavage.

Dana Jacobson video from CBS Sports Network

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